Lopez Spanish Child Custody Attorney

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Throughout the years, I have practiced in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Riverside counties, primarily in the area of Family Law. As a former Attorney for Legal Aid, I met victims of domestic violence.

There's a lot to process whenever a couple of files for divorce and a family is separated, especially for the child. Dolores Lopez is an expert Child Custody Attorney Orange County who can handle all your family disputes and ensure that parental rights and responsibilities reflect the child's best interests.

Our team of experienced family lawyers can handle all disputes related to family law, including divorce, child custody, domestic violence, spousal support, asset division, etc. Dolores Lopez and her talented group of attorneys specialize in child custody and support and can help you understand what's reasonable under the law and what you should expect.

How Can We Help you?

We offer our full suite of family law services with a successful record of our clients' favorable verdicts and settlement terms. Our services include:

● Divorce
Going through a divorce can be very stressful for anyone. We make the process easier by protecting you and your interests judiciously.

● Child Custody and Support
Our child support and custody arrangement ensures that the child's best interests are protected and served by both parents.

● Division of Assets
We take inventory of all your assets, including real estate and investments made to give you your fair and equitable rights from the dissolved marriage.

● Spousal Support
We're experienced and experts in winning you spousal support in Orange County and California.

Other legal services rendered by Dolores Lopez and her attorneys include:

● Limited scope representation
● Attorney's fee
● Domestic violence
● Paternity
● Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial arrangements
● Discovery
● Move away orders

Best Child Custody Lawyers in Orange County

As a top family and child custody attorney, Dolores Lopez has proven her expertise in Los Angeles, San Diego, and other Riverside counties. Call 07147337065 and schedule a consultation session to get help with any family dispute matter, whether in the court of law or at the negotiating table.

Alternatively, you can also email us at info@lopezscca.com and talk to one of our experts.
