How Trailer Videos Help Book Marketing

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Founded in 1997, Smith Publicity has evolved from a one-person operation run in a bedroom office to one of the leading book publicity agencies in the world. Founder Dan Smith’s goal for the company was to offer unparalleled customer service and work to exceed, not simply meet client expe

Each year, video increases its value as a promotional tool, and books are among the beneficiaries. Producing video and distributing it via online sharing sites, author's websites, and attachments to social media posts are a tool book publicists use to call attention to new books. They're referred to as book trailers in the publishing industry, borrowing their name from movie trailers. They are effective for all books and work exceptionally well for those with beautiful photography or other strong visual elements. The purpose is to whet readers' appetites for the book and its content.

While there is nothing wrong with words or still pictures for book promotion, moving images with sound in the form of video is especially effective. A well-produced trailer can get readers' attention and start them talking. It can also spark interest from the media that leads to coverage and author interviews. The key is for the trailer to be intriguing in a way that's unique and makes people want to find out more. If you're currently budgeting and planning a book marketing campaign, PR pros strongly recommend you consider adding a trailer. You can also send it to bloggers as a way to introduce your book and content.

Most book sales occur today with online booksellers, and most of them are eager for authors and publishers to post video content. It gives people browsing an additional element to consider as they are considering books to buy. A trailer also can uniquely convey the key messages of a marketing campaign and reach people who might not take time to read descriptions. Trailers are also excellent content for fans to share with others, including those new to you and your work as an author. Today's marketplace is more crowded than ever, and adding a trailer can give your marketing a lift.

Most authors want to get their work into traditional bookstores, and a trailer video can be a valuable sales promotion tool for book buyers. It brings alive the value (or story) of a book and makes it easier to feel some enthusiasm for it. There is also an increasing number of online book reviewers who may include a video with their reviews. You never know how many places a trailer will have value until you produce one and make it available. The budget can depend on what you have available, and while some may be elaborate, simpler productions can also work well when they are creative and innovative.
